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All our operatives are highly trained and our Proprietary Work Platform provides a safe and stable work area.

Safe Chimney Demolition


Our advanced platform system adapts to changing chimney dimensions as the operation progresses. It’s capable of meeting the most demanding challenges.

Proprietary Work Platform


Working with our platform requires less space and provides greater protection to surrounding areas than conventional chimney demolition methods.

Designed for Efficiency


Our Proprietary Work Platform is a modular system that is constructed on site. We have transported it to jobs all over Ireland and Europe.

Transportable System


We won’t leave you our mess. When our work is done you'll have a clean and clear site.

Full Site Clearance


Safe Chimney Demolition

All our operatives are highly trained and our platform provides a safe and stable work area.


Proprietary Work Platform

It’s the most advanced system capable of meeting the most demanding challenges.


Designed For Efficiency

Working with our platform requires less space than conventional chimney demolition methods.


Transportable System

We have easily transported our platform to jobs all over Ireland and Europe.


We won’t leave you our mess. You'll have a clean, clear site on completion.

Full Site Clearance

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Dolan Civil Engineering & Demolition

Established in 1985.

For almost 30 years, Dolan Civil Engineering & Demolition have been growing and adapting to meet our market’s needs. We’ve worked on a vast range of demolition operations for private companies and public bodies throughout Ireland, the UK and Europe.

Our dedication to providing the best service and solutions in specialised demolition and dismantling have allowed us to become market leaders. We have an impressive portfolio of industrial chimney stack demolition behind us and our experience gives us unique insight into the challenges facing many contemporary projects.

Consequently, we are especially proud to have engineered and patented a brand new Proprietary Work Platform. Industrial chimney demolition has never been this advanced !

Our platform was developed with our commitment to health, safety, efficiency, and control in mind. As a result, it’s leading the way in our industry where there’s an increasing demand for exceptionally high standards to be met in specialised demolition and dismantling.

Conventional methods and equipment were simply not meeting the challenges. So, at Dolan Chimney Demolition, we have risen to those challenges through intelligent design and adaptation. With our platform we are now able to undertake chimney demolitions in ways that were previously impossible.

Using our platform to safely demolish chimney stacks means the job gets done with the precision and professionalism you would expect from us as market leaders.